This is a space where Women’s Health, Birth & Mothering Ourselves Merge and Nourish the other.

Women Empowered, Re-Examined, Whole ~ Together, WE are in service to the health of our future.

Helping mothers & babies thrive

Expanding your knowledge of maternal health.

May these offerings gently guide you back home to yourself.

May this work saturate your Nervous System with safety, tenderness, nourishment, strength and lasting healing.

May your pregnancy become a ceremony.

May your birth, healing and life journey be held in sacred collaboration.

May we all hold higher visions for ourselves & for the generations to come.

with love, Rebecca x

Hello, I am Rebecca…

Holding a higher vision for women’s wellness, birth, healing and what it truly means to mother ourselves as we become mothers.

I want you to love your body

~ to know your body

~ to listen and center your care, daily

intimacy, commitment, presence, deep nourishment

Self Inquiry is the invitation

TRUTH, the lens

When you are empowered with knowledge, centered & deeply cared for in pregnancy

this is how you will birth,

this is how you will prepare & nurture yourself postpartum,

this is how you will mother,

this is how you will lead yourself

& live your life.

Ways to work with me…

  • 1:1 Birth Mentorship

    An integrative, physiological approach to nurture your pregnancy, birth, healing & mothering.

    The Art of Listening

    Your pregnancy & birth are in sacred partnership with your whole body listening and in communication with your baby.

    This space is reserved for women seeking their own deep remembrance, honoring your brilliant nature to breathe in and trust in this

    Big Sacred Work

    We will set the time frame, together.

  • Female Care Healing Sessions

    Personalized Bodywork - Centering Fertility, Prenatal, Postpartum, Menopausal Care


    may include birth story understanding, abdominal massage, understanding pelvic tension, adhesions, posture patterns, traveling scar tissue & daily tending, the health of your tissues, cupping, lymphatic flow, blood flow, round ligament…

    We fine-tune what you need prior to beginning our session. I always reserve 2 hours for our session - for connection, receiving & integration

  • Emerge Workshops & Retreats

    In person monthly workshops & personalized intimate offerings.

    Privately held space to hold YOU during this transformational journey into motherhood.

    Together, we will bring your birth vision & intrinsic power to birth into clear view.

    Honoring physiology and designing clear birth and postpartum plans by centering this intelligence.

    Expanding your knowledge of maternal health, the importance of nutrition, long term ripples and the lasting imprints birth will bless you with, forever.

  • 1+1 Single Session

    1 full hour = You + ME

    In this special time together, we will go deep into the support you seek for your pregnancy, birth & postpartum care.

    To receive the most from our time together, we’ll exchange a little inbox time with a few advance questions.

    This hour session also includes thoughtful follow up contemplations for you to journey deeper & reflect on your own.

    This additional gift of self reflection expands our ‘hourly session’ in a beautiful & more meaningful way.


  • Innate Postpartum Care


    Understanding Postpartum Wellness community support ~ physiology ~ psychology ~ foundational nourishment and the important of rest.

    In understanding the physiologic design of newborn babies & remembering true mother care, we are building the foundation of lifelong health for all mothers and babies.

"Birth is an opportunity to transcend. To rise above what we are accustomed, to reach deeper inside ourselves than we are familiar with, and to see not only what we are truly made of, but the strength we can access in and through birth.” Ina Mae Gaskin